लण्डनमा अनौठो ग्राभिटी लाईटको आबिस्कार

The GravityLight comes with a bag that can be filled with sand or rocks to provide the weight needed to power itजिम रीवेस र मर्तीन रिद्दिफोर्द ले अनौथो ग्राभिटी लाईटको आबिस्कर गरेका छन । उक्त लाईटले एक पल्टम १२ के जि तौलको सहएतले २५ मिनेट सम्म एल ई डि बत्ती बल्लना सकिन्छ । बिजुलिको पहुछ नभएका मनिस हरु लाई अत्यन्त उपायोगी हुने उनिहरु को दबी छ ।The GravityLight (illustrated above) uses a weighted bag which is attached to a hook to power a generator. This produces a tenth of a watt - enough to power an LED light and two smaller lights. Depending on the height it is installed at, it can produce 20 to 30 minutes of light before the weight needs lifting again using the rewind cord
ग्राभिटी लाईटलाई ६ फीत अग्लो ठाउँम झुडएर २५ के जि वजन बाराबारा ढुङ्गा वा बलुवा को झोला झुन्डए पछी बिस्तारै उक्त झोला तला झार्न जन्छ यसरी झोला झार्द उत्त्पन्न भएको काइनेटिका इनर्जी लाई  ग्राभिटी लाईटमा जडित जेनेरटरले बिजुलिमा परिवर्तन गर्छ र बत्ती बल्छ । लगभाग २५ मिनेट मा उक्त तौलको झोला भुइमा पुगेपछी उक्त लाईट मा जडित अर्को रिवाईन्ड कर्ड को सहएतले पुन झोला लाई उठाएर फेरी बल्न सकिनेछ ।

यस लाईटको २७ देश्का १३०० घरम सफल परिक्ष्यन गरिएको दबी युवा बैज्ञानिकले गरे । उनि हरु अहिले केन्या को एक कम्पनी सँग मिलेर एस्को ब्यबशाहीक उत्पदन गरिरहेक छन । उनिहरुले हाल एस्को मुल्य ७० डलर तोकिएको जानकारी दिए । 

खर्बुजा मिठो नहुँदा प्रहरी लाई सास्ति

पुर्बी चाइना को नन्जिङ्मा एक महिलाले किसान सँग खर्बुजा किनेर घर लागिन र कतेर खादा मिठो नभएको भनेर फिर्ता गर्न लाई कतेको खर्बुजो लिएर आयिन तर किसान ले फिर्त गर्न नमनेपछी प्रहरिलाई बोलएर उजुरी गरिन । 

I'm berry angry! A Chinese woman called the police because her watermelon wasn't sweet enough (file photo)
प्रहरी ले आफै चक्दा पनि खर्बुजो स्वदिलो नभएको पायो तर किसान ले खर्बुजो अफुलो मिठो वा नमिठो बनाउन नसक्ने भने पछी प्रहरिको टाउको दुखाइ बन्यो खर्बुजो । 

अन्त्यमा उक्त महिला सँग खर्बुजो प्रहरी आफैले किनेर किसान र महिला बिचको बिबाद समाधान गरेको खबर देलिमेल ले प्रकाशि गरेको छ ।

An opera singer who underwent brain surgery without anesthetic.

Performance of a lifetime: The tenor Ambroz Bajec-Lapajne chose to perform 'Gute Nacht' by 19th century composer Franz Peter Schubert. At a nerve-wracking point two minutes into the surgery his voice trailed away and he appeared to lose focus
The Slovenian singer Ambroz Bajec-Lapajne was diagnosed with Glioblastoma multiforme (GMB), one of the most aggressive malignant brain tumours. As more than 90 per cent of patients diagnosed with GMB die within three years of being diagnosed, Ambroz was told he would have to go under the knife

But to prevent the craniotomy having a negative impact on his career, neurosurgeons at the Dutch clinic suggested he sing throughout the operation. 

The team at the University Medical Center Utrecht hoped that by singing during the surgery they would avoid deficits after the procedure. By keeping Ambroz awake, the team was able to monitor his ability to cope with and vocalise the key change during the brain tumour surgery. The tenor chose to perform ‘Gute Nacht’, by the 19th century early Romantic composer Franz Peter Schubert.
Pioneering: Slovenian opera singer Ambroz Bajec-Lapajne decided to stay awake and sing throughout his brain surgery, after being diagnosed with an aggressive tumour
The singer manages to maintain the performance for the majority of the surgery, but about two minutes in he appears to lose focus.  
His voice trails away mid-phrase, while he face appears to sag slightly. 
But after less than a minute he is able to come back into focus and continue with the performance. 
‘I’m just a singer and tenor at that… I believe he rewired my brain for a while and that was the result. I could not control my tongue anymore and could not stop phonating,’ Ambroz told United Press International.

‘It was a very weird feeling.’
But Ambroz has been recovering well since the surgery, which took place on June 13 last year.
He wrote in the video description: ‘It’s been more than a year since and I’m doing fine, continuing my professional singing career.’